Contrary to unpopular opinion, 'The Eternal Struggle' is merely my own subtitle to this piece of work of art. I fear that the sculptor (or sculptress) can only be described as a too-modest genius (or geniess) for not exhibiting this far more widely.
Nay, could it not surpass such popular works as Rodin's "The Thinker on the Toilet"? Mike and Angelo's "David"? Television's "Venus De Milo"? Yay, it could.
There are so many unanswered questions for me on studying this masterpiece for hours at a time, as I often do - for how long has she been locked in this transitionary state between clothed and declothed? How many suitors must this sensual creature have, and why have they not rushed to her aid? What in the name of buddha's teeth has happened to her legs?
But perhaps the biggest question is - why this is for sale on amazon and not being exhibited in the Louvre? I doff my cape to you amazon, it is quite a coup. Well played...