Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Amazon#12: Cheers: Series One [1983]

Drinxploitation at it's worst.

Link - 2 stars.

I am a busy man and I will keep this brief.

Alcoholism is a very serious contagious disease, and I think the fact that shows like this 'Cheers' debacle even exist, and are happy to ridicule and make fun of this condition is a terrible slight on our 21st century culture. My dear old uncle Harry (God rest his bloated soul) was crippled and eventually succumbed to his love of Baileys, and if he was alive to witness this filth, he would turn in his grave and die all over again.

However, it achieves a bonus star simply for not being the disgraceful spin-off series 'Frasier', in which some doomed wretch decided it would be fine to make fun of the mentally ill. What's next? Is the next big American sitcom going to consist of a band of paraplegic mutes attempting to traverse an escalator? Sickening.

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