Check out these suspicious looking Stevefaces!

Special guest DJ will be the famous Steve, Steve Harley from Cock Knee Rebel. Also, have your picture taken with / behind.... STEVE CLARIDGE! Yes, the speeding journeyman footballer cum pundit (insert your own punctuation) will be on hand to celebrate being called Steve.
Happening THIS FRIDAY, at Clwb Stevor Bach, Cardiff. And rememer the golden rule: "if your name's not Steve, you're not coming in".
COMING SOON.... Steveface: the movie!
Follow TV's Steve-O and his pal Steve Davies on a global odyssey as he travels the world in search of fellow Steves to photograph, and generally irritate the fuck out of. Special appearances by Steve Coogan, Steve Archibald, Steve Cram, and Rachel Stephens as the envious harlot who isn't allowed into their select group of Stevedores.
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