Tuesday 24 March 2009

Marmoset tour news!

Excellent news! My favourite polite Hungarian techno fiend is doing a UK tour in may! He literally e-mailed me these tour dates the same time as he e-mailed everyone else - stoked to the max! I'm literally excited!!!

He will literally be playing at the following venues:

17 - The Sheffield Exocet
18 - Leeds - United Nil bar
19 - The Newcastle Pointless
20 - Glasgow - Mos Eisley spaceport
22 - Manchester - The Fucker and Firkin
23 - Birmingham - Corduroy's
24 - Cardiff - The Risen Yeast Inn
25 - Swansea - Jackademicals (cancelled at mayor's behest)
27 - Weymouth - Barfly
28 - Bristol - Barely
29 - London - Labour club

See you at the Cardiff show!

1 comment:

bienjamu said...

woop! see you there, i'll be at the front going completely stateside.

hope he plays "blue pomegranate souffle soup".