Friday, 9 April 2010

Amazon overload?

All the posts I've done here for ages have been amazon reviews. Does anyone miss me writing about other stuff? If you'd like to see me carry on some other noble traditions that this blog has given up on (ie, trying to be funny about whatever's on my mind at any given time), then write "yes please" or something in the comments.

However, if you have strong feelings against this, or are generally totally indifferent to me and my actions, then carry on ignoring me like you always do and proceed with your day. I just hope something of medium weight falls on you - not heavy enough to kill you, but heavy enough to make you think about what you're doing to me.

1 comment:

lunarcyclist said...

I actually read some of your stuff, but am too damn busy to leave a comment - how about you pretend to be stereotype from each country in the world, and leave yourself a comment. that should keep you busy for a while...keep analyzing