Wednesday 18 June 2008

Amazon#10: How to Break Bad News: A Guide for Health-Care Professionals

"Remember how your husband 'used to' love a good laugh?"

Link - 4 stars

Now, let me begin by telling you that I am not a health care professional - many of my patients would probably agree with that statement. But Rob "Fast" Buckman's guide breaks beyond the barriers of profession, class, gender, race and speed - bad news can now be broken with agility and grace to allcomers.

Here are just some of the bits of bad news I've broken since purchasing this book:

"On the bright side, I scraped most of it off. Do you have any acid bleach?"

"To be fair, he was very rude about Ash Ra Tempel, and he knows what I'm like when that happens."

"Let me put it this way - have you seen the film Misery?"

"She'll live, but have you stopped to ask yourself why?"

"It actually wasn't like that when I came in, though I did witness the whole thing and it was pretty impressive."


"I'm afraid it's a pigeon, and it will not be removed."

As you can see - invaluable. Lord only knows in what cack-handed way I would've dealt the truth blow prior to my research.

Sadly, it misses out on 5 stars due to the frankly catastrophic.... actually, I'd rather not say. Medical science dictates you'll be able to grow a new one within 40 years anyway, so enough of my wittering.

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